What are the reasons to invest in industrial parks?

  1. Complete integrated features and amenities
  2. Allows investors to reap the best economic advantages 
  3. Enhances sustainability initiatives of businesses
  4. Special economic zone incentives

Industrial parks refer to land areas that are designed for industrial development. These zoned facilities house numerous light and medium industrial businesses such as those in the field of logistics, construction, technology, and manufacturing. Continue reading to learn about some of the top reasons to invest in industrial parks

Due to the demand for more specialized infrastructures, more and more industrial parks are being built across the Philippines. In addition, industrial parks play a vital role in boosting the national economy. 

Both business owners and investors have started to recognize the lucrative opportunities in industrial parks. In this article, we take a closer look into the best reasons to invest in industrial parks and what they can offer for long-term business growth.  

Complete Integrated Features and Amenities 

Industrial parks are purposed to complement the manufacturing processes of small and medium business locators. For this reason, industrial parks are built with complete integrated features and amenities that are needed for production. Each feature plays a vital role in the day-to-day company operations. 

Take a look at some of the features and amenities of industrial parks in the Philippines:

When business owners invest in industrial parks, they can easily boost productivity levels, reduce operational and overhead expenses, and manage logistics and inventory more effectively. All these benefits could be advantageous when it comes to catering to consumer demands better and improving the bottom line, undoubtedly setting up the business for long-term development. 

Allows Investors To Reap The Best Economic Advantages
Allows investors to reap the best economic advantages 

The growing value of industrial parks has attracted the interest of many foreign investors. Each country across the world will offer specific niches and competitive standpoints for investors. 

For instance, industrial parks in the Philippines are one of the most sought-after locations of investors. The thriving country is backed by a competitive, English-proficient, young workforce, expanding infrastructure, government development initiatives, plenty of natural resources, and foreign direct investments.

Primarily, industrial parks are the best choice for investors. Industrial parks offer complete amenities, which help locators operate optimally. These clusters of companies are set to reap the best benefits a country’s thriving local economy can provide. 

Enhances Sustainability

There is pressing concern about climate change and its effects on society as a whole.   To combat climate change, there are environmental regulations being implemented in every country. As a result, businesses need to utilize energy, water, and other resources in a sustainable manner. 

Industrial parks are aware of how much their operations affect the environment. This is why they have a consolidated sustainability assessment framework that guides locators on how to do business in an ecological method. From the stage of procuring raw materials to distributing goods to end consumers — there are sustainability regulations being followed. 

Take the Light Industry & Science Park IV (LISP IV) in Malvar Batangas. Its Administration Building is powered by solar energy, and locators’ effluent are treated by the park’s centralized wastewater treatment plant. About 35% of the industrial park’s original landscape will also be preserved to protect the natural environment of the land area. This is advantageous for benchmarking considering that several stakeholder groups will favor more sustainable companies. You can immediately see how these sustainability efforts, when they come together, can benefit investors. 

Special Economic Zone Incentives

Special economic zone incentives

As stated earlier, industrial parks are zoned facilities that are built for the purpose of industrial development. 

Take the industrial parks in the Philippines for example. In an attempt to attract foreign direct investment, many industrial parks were declared as special economic zones. These zones not only stimulate economic growth but also benefit business investors with a variety of tax incentives. 

In the Hermosa Ecozone Industrial Park, investors can take advantage of tax incentives that are available for thriving industrial businesses. Hermosa Ecozone Industrial Park is a specialized facility ideal for getting the best value for your investment. 

Business owners can also take advantage of tax incentives that are available in the Light Industry & Science Park I (LISP I) of Science Park of the Philippines Inc. The LISP I is the first privately-owned industrial estate to be granted approval to operate as a Special Economic Zone by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority. 

Key Takeaway

In this article are just some of the reasons to invest in industrial parks. It’s clear that industrial parks were designed to help businesses develop and help investors enhance their portfolios. 

Want to know what industrial parks in the Philippines can offer you? Click here to get in touch with Science Park of the Philippines and be informed! 

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